(U) Add description
Description. • Add an Email, Facebook, LinkedIn, Snapchat, (X. - Twitter) ...
(U) Add post type*
Post Type:
• "Charming" means you are posting a message to someone.
• "Grateful" means you want someone to post a message to you.
Gender ("They are / It is"):
Country (of "They are / It is"):
Region (State):
(U) Post date your photo from Microsoft Bing™ by Date*
Bing™ photo position
• Main is the large photo. |
• Icon is the small photo located under the main photo. |
• Only choose a country if you want your copyright text to be in another language and you choose "Main" for Bing™ photo position and "No add / modify title -- Continue" for "Add Title". |
Search by Name. Search:

• Bing™ has start and end dates. |
• Bing™ date formats [year month day], [4-digit year 2-digit month 2-digit day], example: [20210803]. |
• Start dates are featured on the motivational images and a mix of startdates and enddates are displayed when they are downloaded. |
• Bing™ does not upload photos every day of the year. If no photo is available or you don't like the photo in your moment; choose another.